사물인터넷 보안 특론

[Kor] [Eng]

교과목 개요 및 강의목표
본 강의는 사물인터넷(IoT)의 개념과 기술을 학습하고 관련 디바이스 기술, 네트워크 기술, 센서 네트워크 기술, 보안 기술의 기본 개념을 비롯하여 사물인터넷의 주요 쟁점과 전망에 대해 강의하며, 본 강의의 교육 목표는 최근 사물인터넷(IoT) 관련 연구, 도서 및 연구 보고서 분석, 사물인터넷 및 관련 자료 (서적, 논문, 연구 보고서 등) 토론 및 분석을 한다.

수업 형식
발표 / 토론

① Paper and magazine
     · IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, etc.
② Major Publisher Material
     · Internet & Communication (wired / wireless)

교재 및 참고 문헌
① 교재
     · Internet of Things- Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems, Ovidiu Vermesan, Ricer Publisher (2013)

② 참고문헌
     · IITA-ITFIND, http://www.itfind.or.kr
     · IEEE Digital library, http://ieeexplore.com
     · Elsevier, http://www.elsevier.com
     · Springer, http://springer.com

학습평가 방법
출석 과제물 및 발표 중간고사 기말고사 총합
(10%) (20%) (30%) (40%) (100%)

Detail lecture for week
1st Orientation
CHAPTER 01 An Introduction to IoT
2nd CHAPTER 02 Security Architecture in the Internet of Things 프라딥 : Cyber Security Concern in 5G Network.pdf
셔일렌드라 : IoT Security.pdf
3rd CHAPTER 03 Security and Vulnerability in the Internet of Things1 공성현 : 1_Anatomy of Threats to the Internet of Things.pdf
길버트 : 2_A critical review of practices and challenges in intrusion detection systems for IoT: Toward universal and resilient systems.pdf
CHAPTER 04 Security and Vulnerability in the Internet of Things2
4th CHAPTER 05 IoT Node Authentication 코스타 : 3_Machine learning-based IDS for software-defined 5G network.pdf
수실 : 4_A security architecture for 5G networks.pdf
5th CHAPTER 06 Security Requirements in IoT Architecture 미카일, 박진성 : 5_Demystifying IoT security: an exhaustive survey on IoT vulnerabilities and a first empirical look on internet-scale IoT exploitations.pdf
아비르 : 6_ A security authentication scheme of 5G ultra-dense network based on block chain.pdf
CHAPTER 07 Security Architecture in the Internet of Things
6th CHAPTER 08 IoT Device and Gateway Security 1 차정훈 : 7_Security for 5G and Beyond.pdf
석병진 : 8_Towards Secure 5G Networks A Survey.pdf
CHAPTER 09 IoT Device and Gateway Security 2
7th CHAPTER 10 IoT Server and Infrastructure Security 1 윤혁 : 9_Security for 5G mobile wireless networks.pdf
이영헌 : 10_Security-Aware and Privacy-Preserving D2D Communications in 5G.pdf
CHAPTER 11 IoT Server and Infrastructure Security 2
8th Midterm
9th Discussion for recent research issues – paper 1 박진성 : 11_Deployment of robust security scheme in SDN based 5G network over NFV enabled cloud environment.pdf
미카일 : 12_Overview of 5G security challenges and solutions.pdf
10th Discussion for recent research issues – paper 2 엘제나 : 13_Alternative security options in the 5G and IoT era.pdf
현찬수 : 14_A Survey on Security and Privacy of 5G Technologies Potential Solutions, Recent Advancements and Future Directions.pdf
11th Discussion for recent research issues – paper 3 공성현 : 15_Crowdsourcing Analysis in 5G IoT Cybersecurity Threats and Mitigation.pdf
길버트 : 16_Security for Smart Grid in 5G and Beyond Networks.pdf
12th Discussion for recent research issues – paper 4 아비르 : 17_Blockchain-Based Secure and Trustworthy Internet of Things in SDN-Enabled 5G-VANETs.pdf
수실 : 18_Efficient and Secure Service-Oriented Authentication Supporting Network Slicing for 5G-Enabled IoT.pdf
13th Discussion for recent research issues – paper 5 석병진 : 19_Security and Protocol Exploit Analysis of the 5G Specifications.pdf
14th Discussion for recent research issues – paper 6
15th Final term